A fast radiative transfer operator for advanced satellite infrared
Code development under CVS
Gastropod is an
Open Source Free Software
Fortran 90 library of forward and gradient routines for fast radiative
transfer calculations for the advanced infrared sounders.
The source code is available free of charge under the Free Software
LGPL license.
Gastropod was initially developed at
The Met Office (UK).
Ongoing development is supported by
NIWA (New Zealand's National Institute of
Water and Atmospheric Research).
The current distribution (version 0.3.0) comprises:
- Forward and gradient (tangent linear, adjoint and Jacobian)
routines for radiative transfer in a
plane parallel atmosphere of non-scattering gaseous absorbers in local
thermodynamic equilibrium, with specular reflection at the Earth's surface.
- A validated gaseous absorption regression model for the Atmospheric
Infrared Sounder, AIRS.
- AIRS fast radiative transfer model wrapper codes with a flexible input interface enabling:
- runtime specification of input profile units
(mass and volume mixing ratios with respect to total and dry air) and the AIRS
- profile input and Jacobian output on user-defined pressure levels,
- radiative transfer calculations for user-specified channel subsets.
- Code to interface Gastropod with
the Met Office 1D-Var (v3) retrieval software distributed by the Eumetsat NWP SAF.
Future developments include:
- a prognostic infrared surface emissivity model,
- a model of downwelling solar radiation,
- a model of scattering and absorption in cloud.
If you intend to use (and/or contribute) to the Gastropod project, or have
any technical questions concerning Gastropod, please post to the
gastro-users mailing list.
Obtaining Gastropod
Gastropod regression coefficients are derived from the University of Maryland
Baltimore County convolved transmittance database.
To date regression coefficients have been derived for the
pre-launch instrument
spectral response function (160 MBytes) and the
v02 post-launch instrument
spectral response function (70 MBytes).
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Last updated 06 April 2005.
for any comments regarding this web page. Art work is a gastro-gift from A. Collard.